Quick to smile. Quick to love. Quick to learn. Owen was an amazing young boy that captivated everyone he met. He loved the outdoors, especially going for rides on his “cool” bike with his daddy, Onick. Owen received his first bike, a balance bike, for his first Christmas at only two months old. By the time he was 17 months old, he was riding his balance bike. Just a week before his passing, he was so comfortable on his bike that his daddy was running behind to keep up as he would pick up his feet to glide along and go as fast as he could. It is without doubt that he would have been riding a regular bike before he turned three.
Owen passed from Lymphocytic Myocarditis on April 28th, 2022. Soon after his unexpected passing, we knew that we needed to share Owen’s love of bike riding with other young children and allow him to ride on forever through them. With that thought in mind, O’s Cool Bike Foundation became a reality and will help us to serve our community through several philanthropic endeavors.
O’s Cool Bike Foundation will serve as the host to the annual Owen Wayne Lewis Memorial Bike ride held yearly at the end of April. The funds raised through the memorial ride will be used to help us supply the bikes to be donated to nearby Head Start programs. Additionally, the ride will assist in funding the Owen Wayne Lewis Memorial Scholarship at Troy University. His scholarship will be awarded yearly to a student that is majoring in social work, human services, hospitality, tourism or event management and is also a first-generation college student.

It is our mission through O's Cool Bike Foundation that we provide as many balance bikes to younger, lower income children in the Troy, Alabama/Pike County area as possible. To accomplish this, a memorial bike ride will be held every year at the end of April to celebrate Owen's life. This initiative will allow Owen to ride on forever through the children in our community and provide many benefits to the children of Pike Co. Alabama in his name.
What you can do to help…
Utilize the DONATE button at the top right of the website to make a monetary donation
Donate a bike or helmet through the merchandise page
Donate to the Owen Wayne Lewis Memorial Endowed Scholarship at Troy University
Register to ride or walk with O in the O’s Cool Bike Ride and Walk
Purchase O’s Cool Bike merchandise—all proceeds go directly to the foundation’s philanthropic activities
The Troy University Women’s Basketball Team play a game each season dedicated to Owen and O’s Cool Bike Foundation. They've been kind enough to do this for the past two years. This video was shown during halftime and provides insight as to who Owen was, the purpose of the foundation, and more about our philanthropic activities. Many thanks to the team, coaches, and support staff for their endless support!